Final Report
This Final Report from the study Promising Partnership Models for Education in Emergencies: A Global-Local Analysis presents an overview of the research design, data analysis, and findings. We also consider the implications of these findings for partnership practices in education in emergencies. The project generated evidence on the nature and impact of partnerships in the global educational response to the Syrian refugee crisis. Drawing on the case of Syria refugee education in Lebanon (2018-2021), the study uncovered (1) the interaction, relationships, and proliferation of actors over time; (2) the characteristics of their partnerships; (3) the impact of these partnerships on coordination and community participation mechanisms that promote the engagement of localized actors in educational processes and programming; and (4) the potential impact of partnership practices on student retention, progression, and integration into local communities via education. The study employed a three-year iterative vertical case study design, with an embedded global mapping and network analysis, to produce a robust evidence base from qualitative, quantitative, and longitudinal data.
Citation: Menashy, F., Z. Zakharia., & M. Shuayb. (2021). Promising Partnership Models for Education in Emergencies: A Global-Local Analysis. Final Report. Dubai Cares.