Promising Partnership Models for Education in Emergencies: A Global-Local Analysis—a large-scale study funded by Dubai Cares’ E-Cubed research program—examined global and local partnerships that support education for refugee students. Based on a three-year longitudinal and mixed-methods study (2018-2021), focusing on education responses to the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon, the study resulted in the development of five guiding principles for promising partnership practices. The findings promote a transformation in humanitarian relationships and responses, which prioritize human connections, trust, respect, and equity.

The global analysis provides insights into private sector engagement, coordination, and participation in EiE, as well as crisis impacts on partnership arrangements, based on interviews with 55 actors involved in global partnerships and an analysis of 227 organizational documents.
Based on an original database of 440 organizations involved in Syria refugee education in Lebanon, the network analysis examines relationships between organizations and changes to partnership arrangements over time and in response to multiple compounding crises.
The country study offers a closer look at partnership processes at the national and more localized levels of educational programming over a three-year period, based on a comprehensive analysis of 16 organizations and their partnerships and an in-depth examination of three case studies.